




パラ24 (第1文、第2文略)We recognize that what the major developed economies do will differ from what major developing economies do, consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. In this respect, ①we acknowledge our leadership role and each of us will implement ambitious economy-wide mid-term goals in order to achieve absolute emissions reductions, and, where applicable, first stop the growth of emissions as soon as possible, reflecting comparable efforts among all developed economies, taking into account differences in their national circumstances.② We will also help support the mitigation plans of major developing economies by technology, financing and capacity-building.At the same time, in order to ensure an effective and ambitious global post-2012 climate regime, all major economies will need to commit to meaningful mitigation actions to be bound in the international agreement to be negotiated by the end of 2009.

パラ2 (第1文略)Recognizing the scale and urgency of the challenge, we will continue working together to strengthen implementation of the Convention and to ④ensure that the agreed outcome maximizes the efforts of all nations and contributes to achieving the ultimate objective in Article 2 of the Convention (以下略)

パラ3 (前段略)Second, ⑤without prejudging outcomes or views of other nations, we understand that the common understandings in this Declaration will help advance the work of the international community so it is possible to reach an agreed outcome by the end of 2009.
パラ5 In this regard, the developed major economies will implement, consistent with international obligations, economy-wide mid-term goals and take corresponding actions in order to achieve absolute emissions reductions and, where applicable, first stop the growth of emissions as soon as possible, reflecting comparable efforts among them. At the same time, ⑥the developing major economies will pursue, in the context of sustainable development, nationally appropriate mitigation actions, supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity-building, with a view to achieving a deviation from business as usual emissions.



What is Business As Usual?

 G8共同声明にはなく、主要経済国首脳声明に盛り込まれた注目すべき要素は、主要途上国の緩和行動に関する下線部⑥の部分である。前半部分はバリ行動計画のコピーであるが、末尾に「自然体(Business As Usual)からの乖離を確保するため」という文言が入っている。主要途上国の排出量が、何も対策をとらない場合よりも少なくなるようにするという意味である。主要先進国が排出量の絶対量の削減を求められている中で、主要途上国についても何らかの方向性が不可欠であるとの先進国の強い主張を反映したものである。これは確かに前進であったが、「自然体」がどのレベルなのかという問題は残る。主要途上国が将来にわたって排出量を増加させても「確かに排出量は増加しているが、本当はもっと増加するはずだったところ、種々の努力によって自然体から乖離させた」と強弁することが可能だからだ。温室効果ガス/GDP原単位の低下、あるいはセクター別原単位の改善といった客観的指標を用いることが本来は望ましいといえよう。


パラ25 Sectoral approaches can be useful tools to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions through dissemination of existing and new technologies in a manner compatible with economic growth. We ask the IEA to enhance its work on voluntary sectoral indicators through improved data collection, complemented by business initiatives.


パラ10 Work together on mitigation-related technology cooperation strategies in specific economic sectors, promote the exchange of mitigtation information and analysis on sectoral efficiency, the identification of national technology needs and voluntary, action-oriented international cooperation, and consider the role of cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions, consistent with the Convention.


