





Thank you, Mr.Chairman,

We are tackling global warming issues. Global issues need global solution. We should recognize that we are not living in the year 1997. When the Kyoto Protocol was crafted in 1997, it was supposed to cover 56% of global CO2 emissions under obligation. However, due to the withdrawal of the US from the Kyoto Protocol and rapid increase of the GHG emissions in emerging economies, its coverage of emissions under obligation is merely 27% and will further decline in the coming years. Under such radical change of circumstances, it is obvious that setting caps on a small part of global emissions under the Kyoto Protocol can never be effective vehicle in tackling global warming in coming years, while acknowledging its historical role.

On the other hand, the countries which have associated with the Copenhagen Accord cover 85% of the global CO2 emissions. It is obvious that the Copenhagen Accord is the point of departure towards truly effective global framework.


That is why Japan is aiming at an early adoption of a new single legally binding instrument constituting a fair and effective international framework with the participation of all major emitters based on the Copenhagen Accord.

Unfortunately, it is not likely that we could adopt such a single legally binding document at Cancun. Therefore, Japan is aiming at a balanced COP decision package covering all major elements respecting a delicate balance in the Copenhagen Accord. Cancun should present a milestone towards the ultimate goal. We strongly expect that the negotiation at the AWG-LCA would make a tangible progress to this end.


Japan has been participating in the AWG-KP with an expectation that some elements such as the rules for LULUCF, baskets and market mechanisms could provide useful components to a broader outcome. In this respect, there has been some progress in these areas. Further progress on these issues would certainly provide useful inputs to the packaged outcome here in Cancun and we will actively contribute to this end.

On the other hand, we should recognize that so-called “number” issue is in a complete stalemate. This is not surprising since the number issue is only a part of broad picture. Almost all the pledges by the Annex I Parties under the Copenhagen Accord are premised to the establishment of a fair and effective global deal engaging all major emitters including the US and major developing countries. This means that global mitigation efforts by both developed countries and developing countries can only be addressed in the AWG-LCA.


Today, we have heard many statements from developing country partners calling for cementing the 2nd commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. Japan reiterates its firm position that our 2020 target has been pledged under the Copenhagen Accord. Japan is not in a position to inscribe our target in the Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol under any condition or circumstances. This is because Japan is aiming at a truly effective global deal. Kyoto 2nd commitment period will never constitute a fair and effective single framework with the participation of all major emitters, which we are aiming at.

There is an argument that we should keep all the options open, not prejudging any legal outcome of the on-going negotiation. It is understandable approach under the current non-convergence on this issue. For this very reason, we will never accept any CMP decision implying the setting of the 2nd commitment period or provisional extension of the 1st commitment period since this itself will prejudge the legal outcome.


Japan also reiterates its determination to achieve 6% reduction target under the Kyoto 1st commitment period. Moreover, as our own initiative, Japan will further enhance its mitigation efforts through green innovation aiming at the “world’s top environment and energy power”.

Japan is also determined to take a lead in assisting developing countries. Japan committed 15 billion dollars of fast-start financing to developing countries in 3 years and has already delivered 7.2 billion dollars as of the end of September. Japan supports establishment of the Copenhagen Green Fund and is willing to participate in the preparatory work to this end, which is premised to the progress on mitigation actions and MRV by developing countries. Japan is also willing to make an appropriate contribution to the long-term finance beyond 2013 premised to ensuring necessary financial sources and in accordance with other countries’ preparedness.

In addition, Japan intends to promote bilateral and regional cooperative activities engaging private sector with a view to supporting mitigation actions and MRV by developing countries.


My intervention has covered much broader perspective compared with the mandate of the AWG-KP. However, it should be born in mind that this comprehensive scope, namely, mitigation by both developed and developing countries and financial and technical support to developing countries is the key for a successful outcome of the on-going negotiation. Discussion solely focusing on the 2nd commitment period will not to anywhere.

Japan strongly hope that the whole negotiation in Cancun will make a good and balanced progress towards a fair and effective international framework engaging all major emitters.

Thank you.

 私のこのステートメントのうち、Japan is not in a position to inscribe our target in the Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol under any condition or circumstances のくだりが、その後、NHKその他のニュースで何度も放映された。あたかも私がそれしか言わなかったように映ったかもしれないが、日本が全ての国が参加する枠組みを重視していること、途上国支援においてもイニシアティブをとっていること、日本としては前向きに交渉に貢献するつもりであること等、もっと広範なテーマに触れていたつもりである。だからこそ狭いアジェンダのみに拘泥するAWG-KPで言う必要があったのだ。

 発言を終えると議場に沈黙が流れた。これまでの発言、特に途上国代表の発言についてはその都度、拍手がわいていたのとは対照的である。拍手など、はなから期待していなかったし、25%目標を発表して拍手を受けたときよりも余程気分は良かった。タバコを吸いに議場の外に出ようとしたところ、ニュージーランドのジョー・ティンダール大使から小声で呼び止められ、「You are brave!」と言われた。





 案の定、11月30日に環境NGOが発表する「化石大賞」は2位、3位なしで日本が「ぶっちぎりの1位」を獲得した。初日のステートメントの後、日本の環境NGOからお褒めにあずかったのだが、国際NGOの集まりの中で、日本は集中攻撃を受けたようだ。ちなみに米国が京都議定書から離脱した際は Fossil of the Day ならぬ Fossil of the Century を受賞しているし、後に日本がワルシャワのCOP19で90年比25%削減目標を取り下げ、2005年比3.8%減目標を表明した際は「特別化石賞」を受賞した。「ぶっちぎりの1位」くらいで驚いてはいけないのかもしれない。




 日本のステートメントはプレスでも大きく取り上げられ、インターネットで Japan, Kyoto Protocol, COP16 というキーワードを入れるとずらりと記事が出てきた。英語のみならず、デンマーク語、スペイン語等、様々であり、その多くに私の名前も言及されていた。12月にはいっていたこともあり、12月8日のパールハーバーになぞらえた記事すらあった。ガーディアン紙は12月1日付の記事で以下のように報じている。

The brief statement, made by Jun Arima, an official in the government’s economics trade and industry department, in an open session, was the strongest yet made against the protocol by one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases.

He said: “Japan will not inscribe its target under the Kyoto Protocol on any conditions or under any circumstances.”

The move came out of the blue for other delegations at the conference.

“For Japan to come out with a statement like that at the beginning of the talks is significant,” said one British official. “The forthrightness of the statement took people by surprise.”

If it proves to be a new, formal position rather than a negotiating tactic, it could provoke a walk-out by some developing countries and threaten a breakdown in the talks. Last night diplomats were urgently trying to clarify the position.


 もっとも少数ではあるが、日本の対応は正直だという論調もあった。12月6 日付けの英紙タイムズには”Japan try new approach-honesty-“ と題する以下の記事が出た。

The first week of the talks was dominated by a row over Japan saying it would not accept the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol. Developing countries condemned this as a betrayal and Britain disassociated itself from the Japanese position. But in reality, Japan is simply being more honest than other countries.  (中略)

History may judge that Japan’s intervention was the moment when negotiators were forced to confront realities rather than distributing draft agreements full of impenetrable diplomatic language, not to mention, the odd bowler.

