




 Intensify ongoing cooperation to improve energy efficiency….. based on the Cebu Declaration and the Joint Ministerial Statement of the 1st EAS Energy Ministers Meeting on 23 August 2007 by:

Working towards achieving a significant reduction in energy intensity;
Implementing the measures recommended by the EAS Energy Ministers, including formulation of voluntary energy efficiency goals by 2009….




 Stress that all countries should play a role in addressing the common challenge of climate change, ①based on the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities; and that developed countries should continue to play a leading role in this regard.

 Carry out individual and collective actions, in a broad range of sectors, to address climate change, including green house gas emissions, ②considering the principles of equity, flexibility, effectiveness and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, as well as reflecting our different social and economic conditions.

 Participate actively in the process of developing ③an effective, comprehensive and equitable post-2012 international climate change arrangement under the UNFCCC process.

 下線部①ではCBDRと先進国の先導的役割が特筆大書される。下線部②ではflexibility, effectiveness と並んで equity と又してもCBDRが入っている。下線部③の2012年以降の枠組みの形容詞としては、effective, comprehensive and equitable で、equity が再び顔を出す。ハイリゲンダムサミットの 「with a view to achieving a comprehensive post-2012 agreement (post Kyoto-agreement) that should include all major emitters」 と比較すると、「全ての主要排出国の参加」が抜け落ち、equitable が入ったことで、途上国色がより強まっている。 全体としてAPECよりも更に途上国の主張が反映された感がある。議長国が豪州かシンガポールかの違いもあるし、東アジアサミットの事務局的役割を果たすのがASEAN事務局であることも影響していたのだろう。


 Support the work to achieve a common understanding on a long-term aspirational global emissions reduction goal to pave the way for a more effective post-2012 international arrangement


 Appreciating the efforts of various East Asia Summit participating countries, including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Japan and ROK, which have contributed to the global debate to address climate change.

 APECでは長期目標に関するパラグラフの末尾に”We appreciate the efforts of Japan and Canada in proposing a long-term global goal” という一文が入り、日本提案が長期目標に関するものであることが明確になっていたが、以下の文章は、長期目標のパラグラフとは別のところに出てくるため、両者の関連性が不明確だ。その上、途上国が「自分たちもグローバルな議論に貢献している」と主張した結果、国名がずらずらと並ぶ形になった。


